What is a Naturopathic Doctor? Before we dive into specific certifications, let’s get clear on what it means to be a naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic medicine is a practice that uses natural...
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Suffering From PMS? Here Are A Few Natural And Holistic Options.
You feel it coming. You just don’t feel like yourself. You are suddenly craving more sugar—those chocolates are tasting so much better. Suddenly those new skinny jeans are starting to feel a little...

Do You Think You Might Be Struggling With Infertility?
Are you struggling to get pregnant? Does it seem like all your friends got pregnant the first time they tried and you have been trying for what feels like forever? Afraid you might be dealing with...

Joslyn Taylor
Thanks for the shout-out, Joslyn. See the rest of tastemaker Joslyn Taylor's lists of essentials over at The Thinking Cap. We believe healthy women are the hub of a healthy world! ...