Pre-conception & Fertility
Embarking on the journey to build a family is a profound and emotional chapter in life, filled with dreams, hopes, and boundless anticipation. However, for many of my clients, the path to motherhood may come with unexpected challenges and hurdles. Whether you are trying to get pregnant or preparing for pregnancy, whole body health is more important than ever.
Preconception care is what you do to prepare yourself to become pregnant. When both parents are working to achieve optimal health before conception, the health of both parents is reflected in healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. You will learn how nutrition, changes in body composition, exercise and sleep can positively impact the health of any future pregnancy. Research shows that preconception and fertility care decreases your chance of miscarriage and increase your chances of a healthy full-term pregnancy, a straightforward labor, a rapid recovery, decreased risk for postpartum depression, and increased likelihood of breastfeeding! Over the years, we’ve found that women who commit to preconception care experience less first trimester nausea too!
As a consultant, I act alongside your primary care doctor, OB/GYN, fertility specialist, endocrinologist, & any other important members of your healthcare team.
Hear one client’s story about traveling the road from infertility to family of 3.

Botanical Medicine & Supplements
Plants have been used as medicine since antiquity. Many pharmaceuticals attempt to imitate plant actions in a chemically altered (therefore patentable) form.

Environmental Medicine & Detoxification
Our health and that of our children depends on the health of the environment. Environmental medicine examines the relationship between the environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease.

Nutrition & Gut Health
One of the simplest (and most delicious) steps we can take towards living healthier lives is by enjoying clean, organic, seasonal, local food with those we love.

In today’s society, we tend to eat more and move less. Dr. Naumes encourages all clients to play – hike? walk? dance? – outside in the fresh air daily.

Stress Modification Techniques
In today’s society, we are stressed. Holistic Wellness encourages all clients to practice stress modification techniques such as hypnosis, breath-work, visualization, biofeedback, yoga, evidence-based therapy/counseling, and meditation.