Kate Naumes ND discusses some of the tools in the toolkit of a naturopathic doctor.
Recent Blogs

Naturopathic Fertility Toolkit: What You Need to Know

Preconception Planning: What to Do 4-6 Months Before Trying to Get Pregnant
Things to do 4-6 months before trying to conceive:
1) Have A Primary Care Physician (PCP) Visit.
2) Get a Well Woman Exam.
3) Quit the birth control pill.
4) Visit your dentist.

Kate Naumes ND in NDNR
Kate Naumes ND's paper was just published in Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (NDNR), the leading clinical information resource for naturopathic physicians in North America. The theme for the...

Male Fertility: the lifestyle burden isn’t just on women
Ok guys, this one’s for you! I’ll keep it short and sweet. Here are factors that may affect male fertility that you might not have thought about. The quality of sperm is a measure of both the...

Build Your Own Wellness Library
These days, the amount of wellness related books out there competing for your eyeballs is staggering. Every book can be a rabbit hole leading towards another set of rabbit holes, and on and on, So...