Postpartum Meal Plan


Enjoy this meal plan to re-coop from labor & delivery and help make high QUALITY BREAST MILK.  Life is full with a newborn, so this meal plan is geared towards easy and quick recipes that will allow you to eat well while still maintaining focus on your new family member.  We also included plenty of double recipes to use as leftovers to save you more time.  Enjoy this plan for at least a month to create more ease around nourishing yourself! This plan is CALCIUM-RICH, VITAMIN D-RICH, VITAMIN B12-RICH, IRON-RICH.  All Meal Plans are free of Gluten and Cow-Dairy.


We know meal planning can be overwhelming and time consuming! Easily and consistently implement a nutrition plan targeted to your specific health needs. With a research-based, Postpartum Meal Planning Package, you will receive 7 days of meal plans, recipes and a corresponding grocery list.