Women are the heart and health of the world. Many women want children but often can’t figure out why they can’t get pregnant. Other women are suffering from a variety of symptoms they don’t...
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Dr. Kate Cares About You And Can Help With PCOS
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Acne & Food
Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin condition most common during adolescence that arises due to excess oil production from overactive oil glands in the skin. Genetics play a huge role in the development...

The connection between Acne, Birth Control, Weight Loss, & Painful Menstrual Cycles
Oral contraceptives (OCs) are a reliable form of contraception with a theoretical failure rate of 0.1 percent and, due to problems with compliance, an actual failure rate of 2 to 3 percent. They may...

What are Xenoestrogens?
Here at Holistic Wellness, we get at least one call each day asking if we can help rebalance female hormones. Some of these women have acne, others PCOS, still others have painful menstrual cycles...