Lifestyle factors can affect the duration of time before achieving pregnancy. Modifying these factors may enhance fertility.
Recent Blogs

Lifestyle Factors and Fertility: Insights from Kate Naumes ND
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Charting Your Cycle: Using LH to Predict Fertility and Understand PCOS
Learn about cycle charting, LH strips, ovulatory predictor kits (OPKs) and some special circumstances where OPKs might not be accurate.

Dr. Kate Cares About You And Can Help With PCOS
Women are the heart and health of the world. Many women want children but often can’t figure out why they can’t get pregnant. Other women are suffering from a variety of symptoms they don’t...

Dr. Naumes at AOMA Symposium
Dr. Kate Naumes, ND will be a featured speaker at AOMA for the Symposium in September 2018. If you are a health care professional and would like to register to attend you may do so here. ...

Dr. Naumes on ‘Always Another Way’
Kate Naumes ND sat down with Marina Spriggs, M.A., LPC-Intern; to discuss how Holistic Wellness approaches health in another way for women in their reproductive years. Marina is the host of Always...