Here at Holistic Wellness, our primary goal is to help women achieve optimal health during the childbearing years. Much of that revolves around helping women conceive who may have struggled with...
Recent Blogs

New Babies! (…again)
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Getting Pregnant Naturally & the Benefits of Natural Childbirth
Most expectant women will go out of their way to prepare for a healthy baby and to ensure the safest and healthiest birthing experience. However, today epidurals are de rigueur, and many women...

Background and Credentials

Skin-to-Skin Love for Your Newborn
We love educating women on the benefits of midwifery care. In pursuit of that goal, I encourage you to read this blog in our series from midwife (and guest blogger), Lincey Knox LM, CPM of...

Water Birth
I frequently discuss birth options with my newly pregnant clients. ‘Should I have a home birth, birth center birth, or a hospital birth?’ ‘What is the difference between a certified professional...