Most expecting women will go out of their way to prepare for a healthy baby and to ensure the safest and healthiest birthing experience. However, today epidurals are de rigueur, and many women...
Recent Blogs
Natural Childbirth: Is it worth it?
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The Mark of a Supermom
"Mothers of twins do not just get twice the bundle of joy—they are also healthier than other mothers... according to Shannen Robson and Ken Smith, of the University of Utah.... Although all women...
Got Milk?
I am beginning to emerge from my very warm, very loving mother cave and wanted to share a few things that I've learned in the last few months. Not all moms produce just the right amount of milk for...
Safest Country in which to be a New Mother?
The United States is 28th on the list of safest countries in which to be a new mother. More midwives for low-risk births would do a lot to help our standing. Here is an interesting article from the...