A valued and long term client shared the following invaluable information with us. Please enjoy! -- Years ago, I remember visiting Central Market for the first time and feeling intimidated to see...
Recent Blogs

Local Healthy Food Field Trip in Dallas!

An Open Letter to Sheryl Sandberg From Dr. Kate Naumes ND
Dear Sheryl, I enjoyed the letter that Alexandra Chang wrote to you in WIRED – it has inspired me to write one of my own. I want to tell you what I think about your enlightening new book urging...

Have you wondered whether Naturopathic Care is a good investment?
The Scientific Affairs Committee of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians compiled data and released the following paper earlier this year: Naturopathic Medicine: A Key Part to Healing...
Eco-friendly, holistic health loving mom’s checklist
The lovely blog tinydallas has a regularly occurring "moms we love" segment. "Not too long ago, Dr. Kate Naumes weighed in with a post on how to keep the kiddos healthy during flu season...

Wellness Dollars and Cents
Most Americans have a disease-focused outlook on health, not thinking much about their health until something goes wrong. The World Health Organization defines health as a "state of complete...