Eco-friendly, holistic health loving mom’s checklist


The lovely blog tinydallas has a regularly occurring “moms we love” segment.

“Not too long ago, Dr. Kate Naumes weighed in with a post on how to keep the kiddos healthy during flu season using natural remedies. Dr. Naumes is a naturopathic doctor that works with women and children, showing them how to use various holistic methods to maintain and improve their health. I’ve always been intrigued by (and a big believer in) the practice of holistic medicine and was eager to learn more about this former Oregonian, now an Oak Cliff resident. So without further adieu, here’s a peek into her world….”

Read more here

Also, if you haven’t checked out this blog and you live in DFW it is a delight to read.  I count myself lucky to be included in its posts.  Thank you tinydallas.