A valued and long term client shared the following invaluable information with us. Please enjoy! -- Years ago, I remember visiting Central Market for the first time and feeling intimidated to see...
Recent Blogs

Local Healthy Food Field Trip in Dallas!
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Interview on CW33’s Dallas Closeup
Kate Naumes ND shares common kitchen items to make your little one feel better :: CW33's Dallas Closeup
Organic Garden Update
Here is an update on my search for less expensive clean food. Our compost bin and worm bin have been hours of fun for our son. Plus I feel much better about turning our food waste into organic soil...
Organic Vegetable Garden
As of this week, I now have an organic vegetable and herb garden on my 6x4 patio. It's not hard to make happen and there are a lot of great reasons to do so: 1) Those thirsty plants provide a daily...
Gluten-Free Living
Excerpt from SMU's The Daily Campus: Forced to live gluten free By Bethany Suba Published: Friday, September 16, 2011 Dr. Kate Naumes was diagnosed with celiac disease the summer after her senior...