Organic Garden Update

photo by Thejaswi

Here is an update on my search for less expensive clean food.  Our compost bin and worm bin have been hours of fun for our son. Plus I feel much better about turning our food waste into organic soil instead of more trash for the landfill.

Most compost bins are plastic and that didn’t feel right to me.  Ours is a terra cotta composter with a hinged wooden lid.   Oak Cliff Organics guided us with the following:

  • Dried leaves are a good source of  brown, or carbon based material
  • Greens include: pre cooked fruit and veggie scraps, egg shells, used tea bags and coffee grounds
  • We mix what is in the pot weekly, which helps it decompose.  In about 3 months we shouldn’t be able to identify anything in the pot and it is ready to put in our garden.

We also have a terra cotta worm bin.  The little red wigglers come up and feed after we put our food scraps in the bin. We can add crushed eggs shells, tea bags and coffee grounds here too. In about eight weeks the soil will be considered vermicompost and ready to harvest and put in our garden. Oak Cliff Organics will be coming by to give us a lesson in harvesting our worms!