Dr. Kate with her little one back in the day What Do I Need to Know About Breastfeeding? Breastfeeding can be an almost magical bonding experience between a mother and her child that also provides...
Recent Blogs

What Do I Need to Know About Breastfeeding?
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Moms and Exhaustion

The Power of Family Dinner
As part of our continuing pursuit in finding that elusive balance, I wanted to touch on the importance of family dinners. The good news is that research shows that adolescents and parents perceive...

Cultivating Female Friendships Amidst Crazy Schedules
At the end of last year I wrote about the health benefits that friendships and a rich social life confer. This week I want to brainstorm how to cultivate female friendships amidst our full lives....

Cultivating Couple Time
As you come down off your Valentine’s Day high this week, let’s talk about a few ways to consistently cultivate and strengthen your relationship with your spouse. If you happen to have a marriage...