Recent Blogs

The Magic Number: How Often to Have Sex for Conception

Lifestyle Factors and Fertility: Insights from Kate Naumes ND
Lifestyle factors can affect the duration of time before achieving pregnancy. Modifying these factors may enhance fertility.

Discover Dr. Kate’s Top 7 Focus Areas for Women Trying to Get Pregnant
Your naturopath can effectively support you to improve fertility, exercise, limit caffeine, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, optimize weight and diet.

Naturopathic Fertility Toolkit: What You Need to Know
Kate Naumes ND discusses some of the tools in the toolkit of a naturopathic doctor.

Discover how Kate Naumes ND can help with Fertility in Her Video Series
Kate Naumes can help enhance fertility without medical interventions like IVF or help to increase the effectiveness of assistive reproductive technologies, or help to minimize side effects of IVF