by Dr. Naumes | May 15 | Exercise, Menopause
If you’re over 35, maybe you’ve noticed you’re not getting the same results from your workout routine. It’s not your imagination. As you enter your 40’s and cruise through your 50’s, your body’s metabolism changes and so...
by Dr. Naumes | Apr 17 | Menopause, Supplements
Are your bones as strong as they could be? If you’re a woman over 40, it’s time to start asking yourself this important question. Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become fragile and brittle due to decreased bone mineral density (BMD). This leads to...
by Dr. Naumes | Mar 13 | Hormone Balance, Menopause
Nearly two-thirds of women in their forties and fifties experience symptoms related to menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, a rollercoaster of emotions (for no apparent reason), low libido. or, worse, painful intercourse, can all be signs that your hormones...
by Dr. Naumes | Feb 13 | EDITORS PICKS, Menopause
In the realm of women’s health, menopause remains somewhat of a mystery, shrouded by misconceptions and false information. It’s only been in the last couple of decades that women have begun speaking up and demanding better treatment options. And yet our...
by Dr. Naumes | Jan 24 | Hormone Balance, Menopause, Nutrition, Stress, Thyroid
Unlock Midlife Weight Loss If you’re a woman between the ages of 37-55 and you’re putting in the work at the gym but not seeing those pounds drop, you’re not alone. It’s not your imagination that it takes longer and requires more work than it did in your...