Recent Blogs
The links between Fertility, Sun Exposure, and Vitamin D
Background and Credentials
Skin-to-Skin Love for Your Newborn
We love educating women on the benefits of midwifery care. In pursuit of that goal, I encourage you to read this blog in our series from midwife (and guest blogger), Lincey Knox LM, CPM of...
Water Birth
I frequently discuss birth options with my newly pregnant clients. ‘Should I have a home birth, birth center birth, or a hospital birth?’ ‘What is the difference between a certified professional...
The Midwifery Model of Care
I frequently discuss birth options with my newly pregnant clients. ‘Should I have a home birth, birth center birth, or a hospital birth?’ ‘What is the difference between a certified professional...
What is the Home Birth Experience Like?
As you can imagine we have a lot of newly pregnant women here at Holistic Wellness. It’s a huge perk of the job! I frequently discuss birth options with my newly pregnant clients. Should I have a...