
Experiencing signs of menopause? Here’s how to find the right certified practitioner. (Spoiler: It’s not your Gyn)

What are the benefits of seeing a naturopathic menopause specialist?  For many women, their first instinct is to book an appointment with...

Women’s Health Benefits of Far Infrared Sauna Therapy (It’s not just for relaxation anymore!)

What is far infrared sauna therapy? You’re likely familiar with saunas: a small room, often with wood paneling, heated to temperatures...

5 Top Strength-Training Exercises for Women in Their 40s and 50s, According to a Fitness Guru

If you're over 35, maybe you've noticed you're not getting the same results from your workout routine. It's not your imagination. As you...

The Truth About Bone Density Loss in Midlife and Osteoporosis

Are your bones as strong as they could be? If you're a woman over forty, it's time to start asking yourself this important question....

Hypnosis: A Holistic Approach to Hot Flashes

Nearly two-thirds of women in their forties and fifties experience symptoms related to menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, a...

Menopause: Signs, Symptoms, and Debunking the Myths

In the realm of women's health, menopause remains somewhat of a mystery, shrouded by misconceptions and false information. It’s only been...

I‘m Working Out More, But Still Not Losing Weight… Why?

Unlock Midlife Weight Loss If you're a woman between the ages of 37-55 and you’re putting in the work at the gym but not seeing those...

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I'm David, and I copy edit this website for my wife, Kate. We have a rabbit named Bunners and a baby on the way. We're learning just how stressful it can be to get ready for a new mouth to feed and...

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