by Dr. Naumes | Sep 17 | Environmental Medicine, Fertility, Pregnancy, Supplements & Herbs
Naturopathic Medicine’s approach to improving fertility focuses on establishing healthy hormone balance for both partners, minimizing the body’s reaction to stress, ensuring optimal nutritional status for the mother-to-be, establishing a healthy exercise routine, and...
by Dr. Naumes | Sep 13 | Cost Savings, Sustainability, Time Management
The Scientific Affairs Committee of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians compiled data and released the following paper earlier this year: Naturopathic Medicine: A Key Part to Healing the Nation’s Financial Health Care Crisis Increasing levels of...
by Dr. Naumes | Jul 13 | Cost Savings, Exercise, Licensed ND, Nutrition
Here is a great article recently posted by the Huffington Post: In the mid-1980s, leaders of the reemerging naturopathic medical profession faced a tough challenge. They had to make the case for a scientific basis for their field prior to any history of federal...
by Dr. Naumes | Mar 4 | Local Food, Nutrition, Parenting
Kate Naumes ND shares common kitchen items to make your little one feel better :: CW33’s Dallas Closeup
by Dr. Naumes | Jan 30 | Parenting, Sustainability
The lovely blog tinydallas has a regularly occurring “moms we love” segment. “Not too long ago, Dr. Kate Naumes weighed in with a post on how to keep the kiddos healthy during flu season using natural remedies. Dr. Naumes is a naturopathic...