Organic Garden

“A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think”  -Sadhguru

We here at Dr. Kate Naumes || Holistic Wellness have exciting news. We are planting an organic laboratory garden and will also be offering cooking classes for kids and adults in which we use food from our garden in our classes! Steve, James and their crew at Eat The Yard are helping us to get going.

We want to lead and support our clients to nurture themselves – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – so that our clients have the freedom to be their best selves. We believe that healthy women are the hub of a healthy world, and as healthier women we bring forth healthier and happier generations. What better way to support our clients to exercise, relax, and connect to the earth than through gardening and cooking?

So, on Day 1 of our garden project, we amended the soil in the backyard so that the soil could support the growth of healthy plants. Our soil was depleted. So depleted in fact, that we could not have grown healthy plants. The first day was spent getting rid of as much of the trash as possible and then digging out 6-12 inches of yucky dirt.

Day 2 was focused on replenishing the soil. What was our basic plan for amending the soil?  The main plantings areas were filled with compost from Living Earth, a professional bedding mix – aka ‘landscape mix’ – including green sand, topsoil, expanded shale and sharp sand. Next, a layer of wood chips were laid down to help hold in moisture and eventually degrade into healthy soil.  Lastly, the entire backyard was inoculated with compost tea, rock dust, and oyster mushroom spores.

I can appreciate the loose analogy between improving our soil and improving our own internal  gastrointestinal and detoxification systems health. Sometimes our gastrointestinal and detoxification systems are so out of balance that we have to start with a detox (i.e remove the top 6-12 inches of yucky soil). Then we need to rebuild good GI health with the proper combination and timing of digestive enzymes (mushroom spores), probiotics (compost tea), healthy clean whole foods (compost & landscape mix), while replenishing with minerals (rock dust) and electrolytes (wood chips).

In short, if we remove the unhealthy things from our bodies/soil and put good stuff into our bodies/gardens it becomes possible to actually get good stuff back!  Can’t wait to share our organic laboratory garden and cooking classes!