Quick, Effective Workouts

Once my infant started sleeping through the night on a regular basis, I decided it was time to focus on regaining my pre-pregnancy strength and cardiovascular fitness. I can’t find the time to get to the gym right now and enjoy spending the extra time I do have with my son. So I searched high and low for workouts I could do at home, in the office, or outside with my child in tow.  I knew that I wanted something that didn’t require much equipment and these workouts require only a few dumbbells. With a combination of nutrition, exercise, visualization, and supplementation I find I’m feeling better and better each day.  Now I’m excited to be offering the following 6-packs to my clients!

What Type of Exercises Can You Expect?

The workouts I’m using are “circuit training” style, which is a system of exercising that maximizes fat-burning and cardiovascular training by keeping the heart rate and breathing up throughout the workout. Circuits are designed for maximum results in the least amount of time by moving from one exercise to the next with little rest in between. When you finish one complete round of the circuit, you begin again at the first exercise, until the specified time is up; in this case 15 minutes per circuit.

I hope you will enjoy them as much as I am.