This month, we’ll talk about the effects that sleeping more, getting adequate vitamin D, and spending time with friends can have on your health. We’ll finish up the year with a look at the importance of Naturopathic care.
This week we’re going to walk through the very real benefits of getting shut eye (and what happens when we don’t get it). Over and over again in my practice, I find that the main reasons moms are not getting enough sleep typically involve one or more of the following:
- a lack of understanding of the importance of sleep.
- inadequate scheduling (not making shut-eye a priority).
- insomnia.
- anxiety.
- sleep interruptions from little ones not sleeping well.
Let’s start with sleep and fat loss. I prefer to focus on fat loss with its emphasis on healthy body composition (ideal body fat and adequate muscle mass) rather than weight loss (which too often focuses on a number on the scale).
Read more of Dr. Naumes’ post over at D-Magazine’s D-Moms Blog.