Recent Blogs
What are Xenoestrogens?
Here at Holistic Wellness, we get at least one call each day asking if we can help rebalance female hormones. Some of these women have acne, others PCOS, still others have painful menstrual cycles...
Organic Garden
“A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think” -Sadhguru We here at Dr. Kate Naumes || Holistic Wellness have exciting news. We are planting an...
Local Healthy Food Field Trip in Dallas!
A valued and long term client shared the following invaluable information with us. Please enjoy! -- Years ago, I remember visiting Central Market for the first time and feeling intimidated to see...
A Holistic Approach to Anxiety
Anxiety refers to a state of nervousness, worry, apprehension, or fear. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful circumstances, as it can improve focus and performance in a tense situation. When...
A Holistic Approach to Depression
Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. Feelings of hopelessness, chronic apathy, and reduced ability to experience pleasure in life are some of the debilitating symptoms...
Male Fertility: the lifestyle burden isn’t just on women
Ok guys, this one’s for you! I’ll keep it short and sweet. Here are factors that may affect male fertility that you might not have thought about. The quality of sperm is a measure of both the...