Recent Blogs
Understanding Normal Cycle Phases: Insights from Kate Naumes ND
To begin to talk about what is abnormal about women’s menstrual cycles, we have to first understand what is normal. Most doctors and experts tend to talk about the two phases of a menstrual cycle, but to more accurately represent the lived experience of having a menstrual cycle, we think four phases are more accurate. These are: Menstrual, Follicular, Ovulatory &
Luteal. Each phase has its own level of energy, physical changes, and hormone processes in the body. Each one also tells us a little bit about how you feel in the world at that time of the month.
Dealing with Repeat Pregnancy Losses: Advice from Kate Naumes ND
The most commonly identified causes of RPL include uterine problems, hormonal disorders and genetic abnormalities.
Overcoming Unexplained Infertility: Tips from Kate Naumes ND
Unexplained infertility is when fertility testing hasn’t found a cause to explain a person or a couple’s infertility.
Celiac’s Disease and Infertility: Insights from Kate Naumes ND
Dr. Kate discusses the relationship between Celiac’s Disease and Infertility, Miscarriage, and Intrauterine Growth Restriction.
Female Infertility: Common Causes of Uterine and Ovarian Issues
Dr. Kate chats about the causes of female factor infertility including ovulatory disorders that include PCOS, hypothyroidism, oocyte aging, premature ovarian deficiencies. She also touches on uterine disorders like endometriosis, pelvic adhesions from STIs, Tubal blockages, tubal abnormalities and high prolactin levels.
10 Eye-Opening Fertility Statistics You Need to Know
These are some fertility and infertility statistics you’ll want to know.