The Sleep/Weight Loss Connection

The Sleep/Weight Loss Connection

  This month, we’ll talk about the effects that sleeping more, getting adequate vitamin D, and spending time with friends can have on your health. We’ll finish up the year with a look at the importance of Naturopathic care. This week we’re going to walk through...

Optimizing Water Intake

My hope this week is that during the holidays when you want to grab that second cup of coffee or that third glass of holiday cheer, you’ll think about choosing a glass of filtered water to help make you a better you!  And if you need more help making these habits a...
Demystifying the Doula

Demystifying the Doula

As a naturopathic doctor having also received training as a midwife, I frequently discuss birth options with my newly pregnant clients. Should I have a home birth, birth center birth, hospital birth? Should I use a certified professional midwife (CPM), a certified...