Recent Blogs
How Naturopathic Doctors Are Proving the Value of Integrative Medicine
Here is a great article recently posted by the Huffington Post: In the mid-1980s, leaders of the reemerging naturopathic medical profession faced a tough challenge. They had to make the case for a...
Interview on CW33’s Dallas Closeup
Kate Naumes ND shares common kitchen items to make your little one feel better :: CW33's Dallas Closeup
Eco-friendly, holistic health loving mom’s checklist
The lovely blog tinydallas has a regularly occurring "moms we love" segment. "Not too long ago, Dr. Kate Naumes weighed in with a post on how to keep the kiddos healthy during flu season...
Interview on ABC’s Good Morning Texas
Natural Childbirth: Is it worth it?
Most expecting women will go out of their way to prepare for a healthy baby and to ensure the safest and healthiest birthing experience. However, today epidurals are de rigueur, and many women...
Organic Garden Update
Here is an update on my search for less expensive clean food. Our compost bin and worm bin have been hours of fun for our son. Plus I feel much better about turning our food waste into organic soil...